Directions to Robinwood Inn
Latitude: 39.208863 Longitude: -86.229278
All directions will end with you at a fork in the road at the end on Highland Drive. When you reach the fork:
From Indianapolis:
I-65 South to Exit #68 (Columbus/Nashville exit)
Take a right off of I-65 and proceed on 46 approximately 13 miles
Turn right onto Old State road 46 (directly across from Brown County State Park entrance)
Proceed approximately 3/4 of mile, up the hill, past yellow hidden drive sign on right Highland Drive is the 2nd gravel lane on right after yellow caution sign.
Look for tall Highland Drive Private sign at the end of the drive across from mailboxes.
Proceed to the end of the Lane and fork in the road follow signs
Take Meridian Street/SR 135 south through Trafalgar and Morgantown to the stop light at Main Street in Nashville.
At light turn left onto Main Street and proceed approximately 1 mile, through town, past BC fairgrounds and BCHS football field up to the top of the hill
Highland Drive is the first gravel lane on the left, at the top of the hill: (If you reach HWY 46 you have gone too far)
Proceed to the end of the Lane and fork in the road follow signs
Directions from Cincinnati, Ohio:
I-74 towards Indianapolis, Indiana to exit #134 (Greensburg/Highway 3 exit) and take Highway 3 (4 lanes) to State Road 46 West through Greensburg, Hartsville and Columbus.
From the I-65 bridge in Columbus proceed on West on HWY46 approximately 13 miles
Turn right onto Old State road 46 (directly across from Brown County State Park entrance)
Proceed approximately 3/4 of mile, up the hill, past yellow hidden drive sign on right Highland Drive is the 2nd gravel lane on right after yellow caution sign.
Look for tall Highland Drive Private sign at the end of the drive across from mailboxes.
Proceed to the end of the Lane and fork in the road follow signs
Directions from Louisville, KY:
I-65 North to Exit #68 (Columbus/Nashville exit)
Take a left off of I-65 and proceed on 46 approximately 13 miles
Turn right onto Old State road 46 (directly across from Brown County State Park entrance)
Proceed approximately 3/4 of mile, up the hill, past yellow hidden drive sign on right Highland Drive is the 2nd gravel lane on right after yellow caution sign.
Look for tall Highland Drive Private sign at the end of the drive across from mailboxes.
Proceed to the end of the Lane and fork in the road follow signs
Directions from Bloomington, Indiana:
SR 46 into Nashville.
Once in Nashville, take right onto 46 at first stop light
Proceed thru stop light at Salt Creek Plaza and shortly thereafter turn left onto Snyder road on left.
Drive to Old 46 and take right
Proceed up hill Highland Drive is the first gravel lane on the left (if you HWY 46 you have gone to far)
At Highland drive private sign turn left and proceed to end of the Lane and fork in the road follow signs